Irregular Around the Margins

"Irregular Around the Margins" is the 57th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the fifth of the show's fifth season. Written by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, and directed by Allen Coulter, it originally aired on April 4, 2004.


* = credit only

Guest starring


has a mole removed, later determined to be a squamous skin cancer. Adriana is being treated for irritable bowel syndrome caused by stress. Tony spends more time at her club and, with Christopher out of town on a cigarette smuggling job, is alone with her in her office. The two bond over recent problems and snort cocaine together. There is sexual tension: they are about to kiss—when there is a knock at the door. Phil and Joey have arrived for a meeting. Tony resumes his psychiatric therapy; he tells Dr. Melfi that a relationship with Adriana would lead to problems with both Chris and Carmela. "I was able to control myself," he says. Melfi commends Tony for this "milestone": he avoided doing something destructive.
On the eve of Chris's return, Tony and Adriana drive to Dover to buy cocaine. Tony swerves to avoid a raccoon, and his SUV flips over to the driver's side. Tony is released from the hospital unhurt. Adriana is bruised and has a head injury. Tony suggests a cover story to explain why they were alone together in the early morning: they were going to get something to eat. However, Tony's crew and their associates play an unintentional game of "telephone" with the story of the accident. The details get more elaborate and lurid with each retelling; the final version is that Adriana was fellating him when the accident happened.
Chris learns of the accident from his crew and is immediately suspicious. At Satriale's he loses his temper and nearly starts a fight with Vito, who is now a capo. At a face-to-face meeting, Tony turns the conversation against Chris, telling him he does not deserve a woman as good-looking as Adriana. He swears on his children that nothing is going on. At home, Adriana admits that she and Tony were going to see her drug dealer, but insists that nothing happened between them. Chris slaps her hard and physically throws her out. He then relapses.
Chris, drunk, arrives at the Bing and empties his pistol into Tony's car before entering the club, where he is over-powered. Tony and his crew take him to the Meadowlands, where Tony prepares to execute him if he doesn't acknowledge that nothing happened. However, at Tony B's suggestion, Chris is taken to the doctor who treated Tony and Adriana on the night of the accident. Though under pressure, the doctor freely acknowledges that Adriana's injuries show that she was wearing her seatbelt and sitting upright when the accident occurred. Chris, though placated, feels like a.
Agent Sanseverino, believing the final version of the story of Adriana and Tony, wants Adriana to exploit their "relationship," and the FBI wants to plant listening devices in her club. Adriana verbally explodes at her and moves to get out of the car. As she is leaving, Sanseverino tries to warn her that by staying with Chris she is protecting her abuser. "If it had been Christopher alone in the car with a woman," Adriana says, "I would have killed him." Tony convinces Carmela that there is nothing between him and Adriana. In a show of unity, Tony and Carmela, Chris and Adriana, and Tony B and Quintina Blundetto arrive to dine at Nuovo Vesuvio, where most of Tony's crew are eating at other tables. Vito approaches them and shakes Chris' hand, wishing him a pleasant evening, and it seems that all fences have been mended.
