Isaac López Mendizábal

Isaac López Mendizabal was born in was a historian, intellectual, publisher, editor and politician of the Basque Country, Spain, president of the highest of the Partido Nacionalista Vasco, the Euzkadi Buru Batzar, from 1931 to 1935. He was the son of Eusebio López Martínez.
He was a Doctor of Philosophy and Letters & Law, degree in Business Sciences from the University of Deusto, he was a prominent PNV militant, whose leadership presided over much of the Second Republic period. He was a councilor in his hometown, elected in 1931.
After the occupation of the Basque Country by Francoist troops, he went into exile in France while his numerous library was looted and burned by the occupying troops. Later he emigrated to Argentina, where the Ekin publishing house was established and founded together with Andrés de Irujo, occupying a chair of Law at the University of Buenos Aires until his return to Spain in 1965 to work in a printing company owned by him.
He was the author of numerous historical studies, a member of the group that created the Royal Academy of the Basque Language and an advocate of Euskera who reflected in the publication of dictionaries and manuals for his learning.
