The parashah sections listed here are based on the Aleppo Codex. Isaiah 11 is a part of the Prophecies about Judah and Israel. : open parashah; : closed parashah.
Verses 1–9
This part deals with the unbroken continuity between the house of David with the coming messianic king, although the Davidic dynasty was 'cut off to only a stump' because of its pride and corruption.
Verse 1
Cross reference: Isaiah 11:10
"Rod" in ; these words "are messianic terms."
"Jesse": the father of king David. The naming assures the continuity of the messianic line, but serves as a reminder of David's humble beginnings and divine election rather than on royal pretension and human pride.
"Branch" -. A twig, branch, sprout or shoot; a word of "messianic terms." The word occurs four times in the Hebrew Bible including this verse; the other three are Isaiah 60:21 : 'They shall inherit the land forever, the branch of my planting;' Isaiah 14:19 : 'But thou art cast out of thy grave as an abominable branch;' Daniel 11:7: 'But out of a branch of her roots shall one stand up in his estate.' There is another word rendered "branch" in ;, although it means substantially the same thing. The word "branch" is also used in rendering several other Hebrew words, but here the word is synonymous with that which is rendered "rod" in the previous part of the verse - a shoot, or twig, from the root of a decayed tree. The word "netser" or "netzer" is the name of the city ofNazareth; which perhaps called like that because of the trees, plants, and grass, which grew here. Jesus Christ's dwelling in this city fulfilled a prophecy, that he should be called a "Nazarene"; or an inhabitant of Netzer. The Jews speak of one Ben Netzer, who they say was a robber, took cities, and reigned over them, and became the head of robbers; and make him to be the little horn in, which some implied that he was Jesus; at the same time it tacitly acknowledges that Jesus of Nazareth is the "Netzer" this prophecy speaks of, but in a negative way, that he should be as "a root out of a dry ground" or as "a rod and branch out of a dry root".
"Roots": from a decayed tree where a shoot starts up. The Septuagint renders this, 'And a flower shall arise from the root'. Chaldee version states 'And a king shall proceed from the sons of Jesse, and the Messiah from his sons' sons shall arise', showing conclusively that the ancient Jews referred this to the Messiah. In the Book of Revelation it is applied to Jesus Christ.
Verses 3–4
"And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord" : or "and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord", translated from Hebrew: והריחו ביראת יהוה, wa- bə- .
Verse 6
This verse and subsequent verses until verse 9 describe the peace of the Messiah's kingdom, which is also described in the Targum: "in the days of the Messiah of Israel, peace shall be multiplied in the earth" and referred to the times of the Messiah in various Jewish literature, such as in Tzeror Hammor and Maimonides when the Israelites will dwell safely among 'the wicked of the nations of the world'.
"A little child": Bohlius interprets this with Jesus Christ in particular observes, that they are not to be understood literally, as if the custom and order of things in the world would cease, or that things would be renewed as at the creation, but in a parabolical and enigmatical sense; and interprets them of
Verse 9
The message in this verse is echoed in chapter 65.
"Root of Jesse": a sprout, shoot, or scion of the family of Jesse. This particular "root" is still alive when the tree is dead, that it can send up a shoot or sprout; it is thus applied to him who should come out of the ancient and decayed family of Jesse. In, the Messiah is called 'the" root" of David,' and in, 'the root and the offspring of David'.
Verses 11–16
This part contains an eschatological prophecy about the restoration of Israel's remnant who were scattered to the ends of the earth.