
Isetsuhiko-no-mikoto is an obscure Japanese god of the wind who appears in both the Fudoki of Ise Province and the Fudoki of Harima Province.


Isetsuhiko and Amenohiwake

Two stories about Isetsuhiko appear in the extant fragments of the Ise Fudoki. One excerpt involves his surrender of his land to Amenohiwake-no-mikoto, who claimed it in the name of the Emperor Jimmu.

Isetsuhiko's stone fortress

A second excerpt from the Ise Fudoki relates another legend about the god and the origin of the name 'Ise'.

In the Harima ''Fudoki''

Isetsuhiko-no-mikoto is also mentioned in passing in the Fudoki of Harima Province as the son of Iwa-no-ōkami, god of Iwa Shrine, believed to dwell in Iseno with his sister, Isetsuhime-no-mikoto.

Identification with Takeminakata

Since the Edo period, a number of authors - among them the Kokugaku scholar Motoori Norinaga - have attempted to identify Isetsuhiko with the god Takeminakata who briefly appears in the Kojiki, due to perceived parallels between the two deities.