Ishikawa Akimitsu

Ishikawa Akimitsu was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period through early Edo period. Served the Date clan of Sendai han during the tenure of its lord Masamune. Also known as Jirō or by his court title, Yamato no Kami. Akimitsu was born in 1550, the fourth son of Date Harumune. His siblings included Rusu Masakage and Date Terumune, Masamune's father. After the destruction of the Ashina clan in Tenshō 17, he came under Masamune's command. In Masamune's service, Akimitsu was acknowledged as chief among the heads of the Date clan's cadet branches, or ichimon-hittō. He served in the Korean campaign, as well as the Osaka campaign.
In 1598, Akimitsu was entrusted with Kakuda Castle, which came with a stipend of 10,000 koku.