Islampur High School

Islampur High School is located in the area ward no. 10 of Islampur Municipality in Islampur City, North Dinajpur, West Bengal, India. This school is situated near the New Bus Stand and is beside NH31.
Islampur High School is under the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education) and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education


It was established in 1958. It is one of the most reputed schools in Islampur.


The two-storied school building is identical with a rectangular shape, with a playground at the center. There are currently no residential and transport facilities available.
Classes from 5th standard to 12 standard are taught here.
It is a boys' school only. The school has an excellent faculty to provide ultimate support to the student on each and every topic. The languages in which subjects are taught are Bengali, Hindi, and Urdu. There is a top-notch facility in laboratories. The school features a library with a collection of 1000+ books and articles.