Isobel Black

Isobel Anne Gatward , known professionally as Isobel Black, is a British actress. She is the daughter of the screenwriter Ian Stuart Black.
She is possibly best known for her parts in films such as The Kiss of the Vampire, Twins of Evil , The Magnificent Two with Morecambe and Wise, David Copperfield, and 10 Rillington Place.
She has also made many appearances on television, including Dixon of Dock Green, Elephant Boy, Danger Man, The Plane Makers, The Avengers, Adam Adamant Lives!, The Troubleshooters, The Spies, Mystery and Imagination, Department S, Ace of Wands, The Capone Investment and The Brief.
As Isobel Gatward, she was awarded the British Empire Medal in the 2017 New Year Honours for her services to the charitable sector, in particular her work for the Mayflower Theatre Trust in Southampton over the previous 30 years.
