Israeli National Time Trial Championships

The Israeli National Time Trial Championships are held annually to decide the cycling champions in the individual time trial discipline, across various categories. The winners of each event are awarded with a symbolic cycling jersey, just like the national flag, these colours can be worn by the rider at other road racing events in the country to show their status as national champion. The champion's stripes can be combined into a sponsored rider's team kit design for this purpose.



2002Fein OdedYanai CohenBen-Ami Tshausu
2003Daniel HelstochDror LindnerNitzan Hendler
2005Gali RonenDaniel HelstochMaxim Burlutsky
2006Gali RonenMaxim BurlutskyIzhak Boygen
2007Gali RonenAnton MikhailovMaxim Burlutsky
2008Maxim BurlutskyEyal RahatNati Hortig
2009Ayetor AizpeazoEyal RahatYuval Rachmilevich
2010Eyal RahatAnton MikailovIdo Sirkin
2011Eyal RahatYoav BearNiv Libner
2012Anton MikhailovGuy GabayEyal Rahat
2013Yoav BearAnton MikhailovOleg Sergeev
2014Yoav BearAnton MikhailovOleg Sergeev
2015Yoav BearAviv YechezkelOmer Goldstein
2016Aviv YechezkelOmer GoldsteinYoav Bear
2017Guy SagivOmer GoldsteinAnton Mikhailov
2018Omer GoldsteinAharon HitmanYuval Ben-mordechay



2006Shani BlochInbar Ronen
2007Leah GoldsteinMaimon HillaMichal Avriel
2008Leah GoldsteinNina PekermanMaimon Hilla
2009Leah GoldsteinYarden AvidanEinat Argon
2010Yarden AvidanNoga KoremEinat Argon
2011Daniela LeviMichal EllaRotem Gafinovitz
2012Paz BashRotem GafinovitzMichal Ella
2013Paz BashRotem GafinovitzDaniela Levi
2014Paz BashShani BlochMey-elle Naveh
2015Paz BashRotem GafinovitzMiriam Bar-On
2016Paz BashShani BlochOmer Shapira
2017Shani BlochRotem GafinovitzPaz Bash
2018Rotem GafinovitzOmer ShapiraPaz Bash