Jürgen Schreiber (journalist)

Jürgen Schreiber is an investigative journalist and author based in Berlin, Germany. He is a regular contributor to Berlin's daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel on matters concerning Germany's past in World War II and in the fine arts. Schreiber's biography in 2005 of the German painter Gerhard Richter, gained much recognition when he exposed the fact that Richter's own aunt was murdered by Richter's late father-in-law, a doctor in the SS.

Life and work

For over 30 years Jürgen Schreiber worked as journalist and as a reporter. During this time he mainly worked for the German newspapers Stuttgarter Zeitung and Frankfurter Rundschau. He has also written for the German magazines GEO, :de:Sports |Sports and Merian and :de:Zeit-Magazin. He was also on the initial staff of the weekly paper :de:Die Woche. He was temporarily with the magazine of South Germany's biggest newspaper, Munich's Sueddeutsche Zeitung.
Since 1999 he has worked for Berlin's biggest daily Der Tagesspiegel and since 2001 actively as its chief reporter. In connection with the case against child murderer Magnus Gäfgen he uncovered the use of torture against the accused of murder. Twice he was honoured with the Wächterpreis of the German press. In 1992 he received, in addition to that, the very highly regarded :de:Theodor-Wolff-Preis. In 2005 Schreiber published his first book Ein Maler in Deutschland which uncovered the family drama of the most well-known German painter of the time, Gerhard Richter. Schreiber revealed the fact that Richter, in his famous portrait, Aunt Marianne painted his aunt together with the painter as a baby in front, and that the aunt had later been killed in Adolf Hitler's euthanasia programme by physicians, among the practitioners of which was Richter's own later father-in-law and physician. This happened without Richter's knowledge.
