JASP is a free and open-source graphical program for statistical analysis supported by the University of Amsterdam. It is designed to be easy to use, and familiar to users of SPSS. It offers standard analysis procedures in both their classical and Bayesian form. JASP generally produces APA style results tables and plots to ease publication. It promotes open science by integration with the Open Science Framework and reproducibility by integrating the analysis settings into the results. The development of JASP is financially supported by .


JASP offers frequentist inference and Bayesian inference on the same statistical models. Frequentist inference uses p-values and confidence intervals to control error rates in the limit of infinite perfect replications. Bayesian inference uses credible intervals and Bayes factors to estimate credible parameter values and model evidence given the available data and prior knowledge.
The following analyses are available in JASP:
T-tests: independent, paired, one-sample
Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon
Correlation: Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall
Reliability analyses: α, γδ, and ω
ANOVA, ANCOVA, Repeated measures ANOVA and MANOVA
Linear regression
Log-linear regression
Logistic regression
Contingency tables
Binomial test
Multinomial test
A/B test
Exploratory factor analysis
Principal component analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis
Structural equation modeling
Network Analysis
Meta Analysis
Summary Stats

Other features

  1. Summary statistics: Bayesian inference from frequentist summary statistics for t-test, regression, and binomial tests.
  2. BAIN: Bayesian informative hypotheses evaluation for t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA and linear regression.
  3. Network: Network Analysis allows the user to analyze the network structure of variables.
  4. Meta Analysis: Includes techniques for fixed and random effects analysis, fixed and mixed effects meta-regression, forest and funnel plots, tests for funnel plot asymmetry, trim-and-fill and fail-safe N analysis.
  5. Machine Learning: Machine Learning module contains 13 analyses for supervised an unsupervised learning:
  6. *Regression
  7. *#Boosting Regression
  8. *#K-Nearest Neighbors Regression
  9. *#Random Forest Regression
  10. *#Regularized Linear Regression
  11. *Classification
  12. *#Boosting Classification
  13. *#K-Nearest Neighbors Classification
  14. *#Linear Discriminant Classification
  15. *#Random Forest Classification
  16. *Clustering
  17. *#Density-Based Clustering
  18. *#Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
  19. *#Hierarchical Clustering
  20. *#K-Means Clustering
  21. SEM: Structural equation modeling.
  22. JAGS module
  23. Discover distributions
  24. Equivalence testing