JME Molecule Editor

The JME Molecule Editor is a molecule editor Java applet with which users make and edit drawings of molecules and reactions, and can display molecules within an HTML page. The editor can generate Daylight simplified molecular-input line-entry system or MDL Molfiles of the created structures.
The JME Editor was written by Peter Ertl while at Comenius University in Bratislava, and then at Ciba-Geigy, later merged with Sandoz Laboratories, to form Novartis International AG, in Basel, Switzerland.
It is released as freeware for noncommercial use and has become a standard for molecular-structure input on the web.


JME has been ported to JavaScript using the Google Web Toolkit. In analogy to JME, the JavaScript version is named JSME. Its interface is almost identical to that of JME, although some cosmetic options are available. It is released as free and open-source software under a 3-clause BSD license in the form of minified JavaScript produced by GWT.
, JSME is capable of SMILES, MOL, InChI, and SVG export.