Jake 2.0

Jake 2.0 is an American science fiction television series created by Silvio Horta that premiered on UPN on September 10, 2003. The series was canceled on January 14, 2004, due to low ratings, leaving four episodes unaired in the United States. In the United Kingdom, all the episodes aired on Sky One. The series later aired in syndication on HDNet and the Sci Fi Channel. The series was filmed in Toronto and Vancouver, Canada.
The series revolves around a computer expert, Jake Foley, who works for the U.S. government's National Security Agency and was accidentally infected by nanobots which give him superhuman powers. He is able to control technology with his brain, making him "the ultimate human upgrade" according to the show's introduction.



The final four episodes premiered on Sky1 in the UK.
Three more episodes were originally planned before the series was canceled. They were as follows:
Javier Grillo-Marxuach, a writer on the series, announced that the first of these had been scripted at the time of cancellation, with the other two outlined to conclude this final story arc. The plot outline can be found in a fansite interview.

Home media

released Jake 2.0 on DVD on May 3, 2019.