James C. Bennett

James Charles Bennett is an American businessman, with a background in technology companies and consultancy, and a writer on technology and international affairs from a conservative point of view.
During the 1980s he was involved in space-launch ventures, being a founder of Starstruck Inc. and of American Rocket Company in 1985; technology of these companies found its way into SpaceShipOne. In the 1990s he was a technology consultant. He is President and Chairman of Internet Transactions Transnational, Inc., a 1997 Internet start-up, and Vice Chairman of Openworld, Inc., a nonprofit group promoting sustainable self-help initiatives.
, he is a proponent of fundamental reform of the U.S. government space program, both in its civilian and military manifestations.
His publications and quotes like "democracy, immigration, multiculturalism… pick any two", popularising the idea of Anglospheric exceptionalism in a similar vein as Mark Steyn, have been called misleading by some libertarian writers. He was a columnist for United Press International 2000-3, with a weekly piece The Anglosphere Beat; he has propagated the idea of the Anglosphere as significant,, in world affairs and alignments. His book-length study The Anglosphere Challenge: Why the English-Speaking Nations Will Lead the Way in the Twenty-First Century was published in 2004. He is co-founder and current President of the of Alexandria, Virginia.
He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow of the Hudson Institute, and a contributor to its publications. In addition, Mr. Bennett serves as an Expert at Wikistrat.
Jim Bennet is one of the directors of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, affiliated with the Foresight Institute.