Jamia Tawakkulia Renga Madrasah

Jamia Tawakkulia Renga is a madrasah located at Regna, near Mogla Bazar, in Dakshin Surma Upazila, about south of Sylhet, Bangladesh, along the Sylhet to Moulvibazar Highway. It was founded in 1919 by Maulana Arkan Ali; later run by his son Khalifa Madani Sheikh e Renga. The present principal is Maulana Shamsul Islam Khalil Ibn Sheikh e Renga. The acting principal is Maulana Muhiul Islam Burhan Ibn Sheikh e Renga.

Education levels

The Jamia offers primary, secondary, higher secondary, undergraduate, and postgraduate Islamic education.

Students and staff

As of 2015, there are 42 staff and enrollment is roughly 1350.