Jammer keyboard

A jammer is a new category of musical instrument characterized by at least one isomorphic keyboard and thumb-operated and/or motion-sensing expressive controls. The instrument is designed to be easy to learn, easy to play, very expressive, and to enable the exploration of Dynamic Tonality.
Research suggests that the combination of thumb-controls and internal motion sensors could give jammers more expressive potential than other polyphonic musical instruments such as the piano, guitar, and accordion. Isomorphic keyboards similar to those used in a jammer have been shown to accelerate the rate at which students grasp otherwise-abstract concepts in music theory.


Origin of jammer and Thummer instruments

The jammer was invented by Jim Plamondon in September 2003, whereupon he founded to develop a "Thummer™-brand jammer" and bring it to market. The "Thum" name was to emphasize the unique thumb-control feature. Prototype Thummers were produced, but the company spent too much money on researching internal motion sensors and polyphonic aftertouch, so lacked the resources to put the Thummer into production. It disbanded a year before the founding of Kickstarter, which could have solved this problem.

Open source jammer

Although not currently under commercial development, an ongoing open-source hardware design project seeks to produce a royalty-free reference design for jammers, based on Thumtronics' prototypes.

Do It Yourself (handmade) jammers

Hobbyists are making . Recent availability of adaptable commercial keyboard controllers, especially the from C-Thru Music, has spurred innovation and many functioning jammers have been built.
Software for their construction through the modification of commercially available instruments is now available.

Touchscreen based jammers

The many multitouch touchscreen products running Android or iOS, particularly tablet devices, can be adapted to be utilised as jammers. The dynamic display allows for key sizes to be easily adjusted to preference.

Origin and usage of the ''jammer'' name

Just as Kleenex is a trademarked brand of facial tissue, and the Stratocaster is a trademarked brand of electric guitar, the Thummer was intended to be a trademarked brand of "a new kind of musical instrument." The term jammer was introduced to give that "new kind of musical instrument" a generic, non-trademarked name. It was coined by Jim Plamondon, founder of Thumtronics, and first used when the "Thummer-brand jammer" was publicly announced on December 15, 2005, in Perth, Western Australia.


Limitations and disadvantages over a standard keyboard

Differences from the Thummer design ideal

Because no jammers are commercially available, jammer-players must build "do-it-yourself" home-made jammers. The , now in the public domain, are useful as a design goal, because of the many novel features they describe.

How jammers are being made

Of the large number of isomorphic note assignments possible, jammers use the Wicki-Hayden note layout. All scales fall in the center of the layout, directly under ones fingers, and it is simple to relate to conventional music notation. All conventional chord progressions can be easily fingered in the jammer arrangement with minimal hand movement.
Octaves ascend vertically, increasing the playable interval sizes, easing chord inversions, and greatly reducing the time needed to move to a new note or chord.

Ergonomic Factors

Although no one is yet expert on a jammer, Fitts law predicts that the jammer will be very significantly faster to play that a conventional keyboard.
The expected speed increase is or 75% less time to find and press the average key. Since playing an instrument is always a speed vs accuracy tradeoff, a novice player should be able to play more accurately, while a trained player should be able to play with more precise timing.

Commercially available

Some hexagonal isomorphic keyboards are commercially available:
Devices that do not use the wicki-hayden note layout natively can be converted to jammers by electronically remapping the notes received via USB midi to the wicki-hayden note layout.
