Jan-Willem Breure

Jan-Willem Breure is a Rwandan-born Dutch media producer and festival director of New Vision International Film Festival. He is also known as the producer and director of the 2012 documentary about sexism titled Are All Men Pedophiles? and the 2018 documentary Do Women Have a Higher Sex Drive?.

Early life and career

Breure was born in Rwanda. His mother died in childbirth, and he was adopted by Reformed Churches in the Netherlands pastor Johan Breure and his wife, who worked as missionaries in Kenya. Breure lived in Kenya and Namibia before moving to the Netherlands in 2002.
Breure studied Interactive Media Design at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague and founded his production company JW Multimedia Productions in 2008. He directed the 2012 documentary about sexism against men titled Are All Men Pedophiles?. The film was the NVVS Media Prize Winner of 2012. His second documentary was Do Women Have a Higher Sex Drive?, in 2018.
In 2017, he founded the New Vision International Film Festival. NVIFF is an annual film festival held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The festival has a strong focus on independent and experimental films by showcasing emerging talents and established film talent.
