Jane, Lady Roberts

Dame Priscilla Jane Stephanie Roberts, The Honourable Lady Roberts, has been the Curator of the Print Room at Windsor Castle since 1975 and the Royal Librarian since 2002 until her retirement in July 2013.
Roberts was appointed a Member of the Royal Victorian Order in 1984. She was subsequently promoted to Lieutenant in 1995, Commander in 2004, and to Dame Commander of the same Order in 2013.
Roberts is the eldest daughter of Brigadier The Lord Aldington, and was educated at Cranborne Chase School, Westfield College, and the Courtauld Institute of Art.

Personal life

On 13 December 1975, Priscilla Jane Stephanie Low married Sir Hugh Roberts, who was the Director of the Royal Collection and Surveyor of the Queen's Works of Art until April 2010.
She and her husband live at Adelaide Cottage, a grace and favour home near Frogmore House in Home Park, Windsor. The couple have two daughters: Sophie Jane Cecilia Roberts and Amelia Frances Albinia Roberts.
