
Janu Sirsasana, Head-to-Knee Pose, is a seated twisting and forward bending asana in diverse schools of modern yoga as exercise.

Etymology and origins

The name comes from the Sanskrit words janu meaning "knee", shirsha meaning "head", and āsana meaning "posture" or "seat".
The pose is a modern one, first seen in the 20th century. It is described in Krishnamacharya's 1934 Yoga Makaranda, and in the works of his pupils, B. K. S. Iyengar's 1966 Light on Yoga and Pattabhi Jois's Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.


In a seated position, one leg is extended with toes pointing upward, and the other leg is bent with knee pointing away from the straight leg and the sole of the foot in by the groin. The torso turns and folds over the extended leg.