Jaume Casals
Jaume Casals is the current rector of Pompeu Fabra University and Professor of Philosophy at UPF. He received his Doctorate in Philosophy summa cum laude from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
A senior fellow of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans before becoming Rector of UPF in June 2013, Casals was the Academic Board Chairman and Executive Vice-President of the UPF's Continuing Education Institute as well as UPF Vice-Rector for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and for Teaching Staff.
Academic background and lines of research
Jaume Casals is the author of philosophical works comprising books, articles, chapters in collective books and annotations in works by eminent classic, modern and contemporary philosophers. He has translated and edited works by Montaigne, Montesquieu, Berkeley and Bergson, among others. Some of his most significant works are La filosofia de Montaigne ; L'experiment d'Aristòtil. Literatura d'una incursió en la metafísica ; El pou de la paraula. Una història de la saviesa grega and, more recently, El aprendizaje de la muerte en la historia de las ideas . He was joint editor-in-chief of the journal, L'Avenç, and contributor and member of the editorial boards of various international publishing houses with scientific book series on Renaissance literature and philosophy.His main lines of research are the history of ancient and modern philosophy, the Greek genesis of contemporary rationality, the conflict between language and languages, and more recently, the genealogy of contemporary humanism.
Management positions
From March 2009, Jaume Casals served as the Academic Board Chairman and Executive Vice-President of the UPF's Continuing Education Institute. Previously, he was UPF Vice-Rector for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies and for Teaching Staff, Dean of the UPF Humanities Faculty and Chair of the UAB Philosophy Department.A senior fellow of the Philosophy and Social Sciences Section at the Institute for Catalan Studies, and Director of the Barcelona Humanities Institute, Jaume Casals has also been President of the University Libraries Consortium of Catalonia and member of the Barcelona Philosophy Association, among his most significant positions.
- La filosofia de Montaigne. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1986. 320 pages.
- L'experiment d'Aristòtil. Literatura d'una incursió en la metafísica. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1992. 110 pages.
- El pou de la paraula. Una història de la saviesa grega. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1996. 101 pages.
- El aprendizaje de la muerte en la historia de las ideas. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UDP, 2010. 172 pages.
- MONTAIGNE, M. de. Apologia de Ramon Sibiuda. Barcelona: Laia, 1982.. .
- MONTESQUIEU, Ch. baron de. Cartes perses. Barcelona: Laia, 1984.. .
- MONTAIGNE, M. de. Diario de viaje a Italia. Barcelona: Península, 1986.. .
- BERGSON, H. Assaig sobre les dades immediates de la consciència, seguit de la intuïció filosòfica. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1991.. 284 pages .
Significant articles
- "Història dels atomismes i astúcia de les tenebres". Saber, 2. Barcelona, 1980, pp. 30–34
- "Kant: somnis d'un visionari i Assaig sobre les magnituds negatives ". Enrahonar, 4. Bellaterra, 1982, pp. 37–45.
- "La paradoxa dels mons possibles". Enrahonar, 7/8. Bellaterra, 1984, pp. 39–41.
- "Història ideal de Jacques le fataliste". Enrahonar, 12. Bellaterra, 1985, pp. 81–85.
- "La filosofia obligatòria". Arrel, 17. Barcelona, 1987, pp. 50–55.
- "Llibres prohibits", in: COL·LEGI DE FILOSOFIA. Frontera i perill. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1987.
- "Le kantisme esthétique de Montaigne". Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne. VII série, 11-12. Paris, 1988, pp. 87–94.
- "El temps en la filosofia de Bergson". Enrahonar, 15. Bellaterra: UAB, 1988, pp. 21–37.
- "Sur le second degré de l'Apologie", in: BLUM, Cl.. Montaigne. Apologie de Raimond Sebond. De la Theologia à la Théologie. Paris/Geneva: Librairie Honoré Champion/Éditions Slatkine, 1990, pp. 187–200.
- "Trois incursions de Montaigne dans la métaphysique", in: BLUM, Cl.. Montaigne, penseur et philosophe. Paris/Geneva: Librairie Honoré Champion/Éditions Slatkine, 1990, pp. 45–52.
- "La moral de la Enciclopedia", in: CAMPS, V.. Historia de la ética. Vol. II. La ética moderna. Barcelona: Crítica, 1992, pp. 168–193.
- "La théologie de Montaigne? Ou que Dieu n'existe pas dans les Essais". Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, VII série, 33-34. Paris, 1993, pp. 149–155.
- "Les tesis de filosofia de la història de W. Benjamin", in: LLOVET, J.. Homenatge a Walter Benjamin. Barcelona: Barcanova, 1993.
- "Problèmes d'un philosophe pour devenir cannibale", in: Montaigne et le nouveau monde. Special issue of Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, VII série, 39-30-31-32. Paris, 1992-1993, pp. 143–152.
- "A note on the use of aitia and aition in the Metaphysics of Aristotle". Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale, 1, Year XXXVII. Rome, 1995, pp. 89–95. . . "Qu'est-ce qu'un voyage?". In: SAMARAS, Z.. Montaigne. Espace, écriture. Paris/Geneva: Librairie Honoré Champion/Éditions Slatkine, 1995.
- "Adviser et derriere et devant. Transition de l'histoire à la philosophie dans le Discours de la servitude volontaire". Corpus, 28. "La philosophie de l'histoire dans la Renaissance". Paris: Desan, Ph. ed., 1995, pp. 103–112.
- "La présomption et l'espérance", in: TETEL, M.. Actes du Colloque international de Duke, "Marie de Gournay et l'édition 1595 des Essais de Montaigne", March 1995. Special issue of The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Vol. 25, 3, 1995, pp. 511–515.
- "Amphibologie et défauts théoriques dans le débat sur l'édition des Essais de Montaigne", in: ARNOULD, J.-CL.. Actes du Colloque de Paris "Editer Montaigne". Paris: Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne, 1996, pp. 69–78.
- "Tot el que veritablement passa em passa a mi", in: GÓMEZ PIN, V.. "Descartes. Lo racional y lo real". Enrahonar, special issue. Bellaterra, 1999, pp. 505–510. .
- "Camino arriba, camino abajo. De Aristóteles a Heráclito", in: GÓMEZ PIN, V.. Physis. 3rd International Ontology Congress, Ontology Studies, 1. Paris: PUF, 2000, pp. 325–335. .
- "Sur la double racine du principe de la servitude volontaire", in: LAFARGA, F.; SEGARRA, M.. Renaissance et classicisme. Barcelona: PPU, 2004.
- "¿Se puede aprender lo que se da de antemano? 1. Sobre las matemáticas y su origen". Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología, 5-6, 2006, pp. 197–206. ISSN 1576-2270. .
- "Sur le lieu-commun 'Philosophie et littérature'. Un éclaircissement". Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale. Paris. .
- "La tête de Socrate", in: FASSEUR, V.; GUERRIER, O.; JENNY, L.; TOURNON, A.. Éveils. Paris: Éditions Classiques Garnier, Études Montaignistes, 56, 2010, pp. 137–142.
- "La mort de La Boétie". Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Amis de Montaigne, 55. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2012, pp. 37–43.