Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Valasapalle

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Valasapalle, Chittoor Dist is one of the approximately 565 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in India, located in Valasapalle village, Madanapalle mandal near in Andhra Pradesh. It was established in 1986 by the Department of Education, MHRD. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas were planned to set up in all the districts of the country in order to provide an education to children from predominantly rural areas. They form a part of the system of gifted education.

Objectives of JNV schools

Initially the Vidyalaya was temporarily located in the buildings of AP Travel & Tourism Development Corporation at Horsley Hills and continued there from 1986-87 to 1991-92. Subsequently the A.P. state government allotted 43.94 acres of land to the Vidyalaya at Valasapalle village, 5 km from Madanapalle on the Madanapalle-Chittoor Road.
There are around 481 students, with around 80 students in each class. The staff number 38. Science groups MPC and BiPC and commerce stream are taught in classes XI and XII.


The school follows the CBSE syllabus and NCERT textbooks. Medium of instruction is English only.

Student life

All costs are paid by the Government of India. Everything is provided by the school to help the poor social and economic background of students.


There are hostels for both boys and girls in four houses named Udaygiri, Aravali, Neelagiri, and Shiwalik. Separate for juniors & seniors.


There is a gymnasium and grounds for handball, volleyball, basketball, badminton and football. the main ground of vidyalaya boasts a 200m running track along with other pits for athletics. Students go for interschool meets and clusters. this vidyalaya won a lot of accolades in sports from the beginning.


About 30% of students in class IX are migrated to and from JNV Birauli of Samastipur district Bihar on the event of National Integration to promote understanding of the diversity and plurality of India's cultures and people.

Curricular activities

In addition to the regular science topics, students are trained in Music, Art and Painting, Computer Science Education and SUPW. Youth Parliament sessions are conducted.

Social Services