Je te veux

Je te veux is a song composed by Erik Satie to a text by Henry Pacory. A sentimental waltz with erotic lyrics, it was written for Paulette Darty, whose accompanist Satie had been for a period of time. The text consists of two verses and a repeated chorus.
The song was registered with SACEM on 20 November 1902, but Roland-Manuel argued it had actually been composed in 1897. Satie composed various versions of the "Je te veux" waltz: for piano and voice, for an orchestra of brass instruments, and for full orchestra. The piano and voice version was first published in 1903. The composer later arranged the work for solo piano, adding a middle section between the second chorus and the second verse.
The melody was performed to the public in 1903, at La Scala, then a popular cabaret in Paris. In 1925, the song was recorded with Yvonne George as singer. "Je te veux" was also recorded by Mathé Altéry, Régine Crespin, Gigliola Negri, Nicolaï Gedda, and Davide Bassino, and later by sopranos Jessye Norman, Marie Devellereaum and Angela Gheorghiu.
Jazz vocalist Cécile McLorin Salvant performed the song on Jacky Terrasson's 2012 album Gouache.
John Cage instructs the performer to do the piano and voice version as part of his "Sonnekus²".
