Jean-Marc Jancovici

Jean-Marc Jancovici is a French engineering consultant, energy and climate expert. He is a consultant, professor, conference speaker, writer, and independent columnist. He is co-founder and associate at the Carbone 4 consultancy firm, and the founding president of the think-tank The Shift Project.


He graduated from the :fr:École polytechnique |École polytechnique in 1984 and from the Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications de Paris in 1986.
He is the author and the main developer of the main French carbon accounting method, the :fr:Bilan Carbone|Bilan Carbone assessment tool for the French Inter-ministerial Greenhouse Gas Mission.
He collaborated with Nicolas Hulot for 11 years, and co-authored the :fr:Pacte écologique|Pacte écologique, a book that directly led to the Grenelle Environnement during the first years of Nicolas Sarkozy's presidency. He is a member of the SOeS Scientific Committee and a member of the Fondation Nicolas-Hulot Strategic Committee.
He is the founding president of :fr:The Shift Project|The Shift Project, a corporate sponsored think tank established in 2010, which advocates a progressive phase out of fossil fuels from our economy.
In 2007 he founded the Carbone 4 consultancy with the economist :fr:Alain Grandjean|Alain Grandjean. Carbone 4 is a Paris-based consultancy employing around 30 people, which has specialized in adapting human activities to any kind of energy constraint
He founded two other organisations focused on spreading scientific knowledge about energy and climate change, and is currently chairing the environment section of his alumni, X Environnement. He teaches at Mines ParisTech to first year students on energy and climate change basics.
He is a member of the association ASPO France, which studies the oil peak and its consequences.

Private life

He is married and has two daughters.
He eats little meat, uses public transport, has no cellphone and avoids air travel whenever possible.

Media, lectures, internet, website

He is the author of six books, and has written for a number of French media.


Jancovici is a vocal proponent of nuclear energy, and advocates for nuclear power to become a dominant energy source. He believes the climate urgency requires closing all coal power plants worldwide within 30 years. He argues that non-nuclear renewable energies will never be sufficient to transition to a carbon-neutral economy.
