Jean-Michel Bony

Jean-Michel Bony is a French mathematician, specializing in mathematical analysis. He is known for his work on microlocal analysis and pseudodifferential operators.

Education and career

Bony completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at the École Normale Supérieure, where he received his Ph.D in 1972 with thesis advisor Gustave Choquet. Bony became a professor at the University of Paris-Sud and is now a professor at the École Polytechnique.


His research deals with microlocal analysis, partial differential equations and potential theory. In 1981 he published important results on paradifferential operators, extending the theory of pseudifferential operators published by Ronald Coifman and Yves Meyer in 1979. Bony applied his theory to the propagation of singularities in solutions of semilinear wave equations.


In 1980, Bony received the Prix Paul Doistau–Émile Blutet. He was elected a corresponding member and a full member of the French Academy of Sciences in 1990 and 2000 respectively.
He was an Invited Speaker at the ICM in 1970 in Nice and in 1983 in Warsaw.

Selected publications
