Jean-Pierre Mangin

Jean-Pierre Mangin is a French philatelist who specialized in finding error in the design of postage stamps. He wrote a bilingual world guide of Errors on stamps.
Mangin was a member of the French Académie de philatélie between 4 June 1994 and his voted eviction in December 2005. He was president of the European Academy of Philately for a 2000-2007 mandate, but resigned and was evicted there as well. The same happened at the Réal Academia Hispanica de Philatelia.
On 26 October 2007, he became a founding member of the Académie Mondiale de Philatélie, and became its first president.
In the 2000s, he wrote a monthly column in the French magazine L'Écho de la timbrologie about errors on stamps found by the readers.

