Jennifer Whalen
Jennifer Whalen is an American professional downhill mountain bike racer who won the 2005 NORBA National Championship in the Women's Super-D class. She lives in Idaho Springs, Colorado.
National Champioinsip AwardPalmares
- Keystone Climax - 4th place
- Keystone Climax - 3rd place
- Mount Snow-Shimano NMBS Finals - 4th place
- Snowshoe NMBS NORBA National - 2nd place
- NMBS Brian Head - 1st place
- Snowmass NORBA National - 4th place
- Schweitzer Norba Nationals - 1st place
- Wildflower Rush Race - 3rd place
- Wildflower Rush Race - 5th place
- Deer Valley NORBA National - 5th place
- Chile Challenge AMBC - 4th place
- Chile Challenge AMBC - 6th place
- Nova NORBA National - 7th place
- Keystone Climax - 4th place
- NMBS #7-Snowmass - 2nd place
- Full Tilt in Telluride - 3rd place
- Blast the Mass - 5th place
- Chile Challenge - 10th place
- Final Descent - - 3rd place
- Chile Challenge - 3rd place
- Wells Fargo Rage in the Sage - 1st place
- Tour of Canyonlands - 4th place
- Chile Challenge - 1st place
- Tour of Canyonlands - 2nd place
- Telluride Mountain Bike Classic - 4th place
- NORBA NCS #3 - 4th place
- Telluride Mountain Bike Classic - 3rd place