Jerry (film)

Jerry is a 2006 Indian Tamil romantic comedy film directed by S. B. Khanthan, produced by V. Vishwanathan, and written by Crazy Mohan. The film stars Jithan Ramesh as the titular character, while Shruthi Raj, Mumtaj, and Meera Vasudevan play the female leads. The music was composed by Ramesh Vinayagam with editing done by Krishnakumar. The film released on 19 May 2006.


Jayaram alias Jerry is a man who takes risks and hates love. He is challenged by his friends to make three women love him. He makes a police inspector and his classmate Janaki, an actress Janani, and a police officer Jeeva fall in love with him. Whether the three girls find out and whom he unites with forms the crux of the story.


The film's script was written by Crazy Mohan and he described the film as his "pet project" as he wanted to do create similar to Kadhalikka Neramillai. The film was earlier titled Idhuthan Kadhal Enbathaa.


The soundtrack was composed by Ramesh Vinayagam.
Indiaglitz wrote "Director S B Kanthan deserves a pat for getting the best from his artistes. Though the movie seems to be an extension of Crazy Mohan's stage plays, the hilarious sequence makes it engrossing". Balaji B. wrote "Jery is simply a big-screen version of one of 'Crazy' Mohan's stage dramas. It is clean and harmless but unfortunately it is also mostly laughless".