Jews' Court, Lincoln

Jews' Court is the headquarters of the Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology and a Grade I listed building.
It is located on Steep Hill in Lincoln, England, immediately above Jew's House.
The Jews' Court is a building, which may contain some late medieval stonework. A recent architectural survey has shown that there is very little medieval stonework above basement level in the existing building. Documentary evidence of 1290 when the Jewish community of Lincoln was expelled shows that the Jews' Court has always been divided into two houses, and a charter of 1316 mentions that a Jewish scola or synagogue had stood to the west in the tenement behind these two houses.
In 1910, a well was dug in the basement of the building; the owner subsequently claimed that this was where the body of Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln had been found and charged people to see it.
In 1992, the Lincolnshire Jewish Community, which is affiliated with Liberal Judaism began holding Shabbat and High Holy Day services at Jews' Court. One of the services was filmed in the Simon Schama TV series "The Story of the Jews".