Jews for Judaism

Jews for Judaism is an international organization that focuses on preventing Jews from converting to other faiths and reclaiming those who have already converted. It provides counseling services, education, and outreach programs to all Jewish denominations. It was established in 1985 by Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz.
The name Jews for Judaism was developed from "Jews for Jesus", one of the principal missionary organizations it was founded to counteract. One of its prominent early members, Larry Levey, was a Jewish convert to Christianity who then converted back to Judaism and led the Baltimore office of Jews for Judaism for a number of years. In addition to its activities in response to Christian missionaries, Jews for Judaism has also been noted for its critiques of the Kabbalah Centre.


Jews for Judaism has three international offices located in: Los Angeles, California, United States; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and Sydney, Australia.


Jews for Judaism formed the student organization, "Be-True", as a response to missionary activity on university campuses. The organization runs primarily through student representative volunteers. There are currently "Be-True" representatives in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Jews for Judaism forums

Jews for Judaism Forums served as a home for many observant Jews, Noahides, practicing Jews, non-practicing Jews, and converts to Judaism. The forums discussed issues pertaining to interfaith couples, and helped inquisitive minds answer their questions about Judaism. Additionally, there were frequent debates on the site between the members and visiting evangelists. In 2007, Jews for Judaism decided to shut down the forum.