
Jien was a Japanese poet, historian, and Buddhist monk.


Jien was the son Fujiwara no Tadamichi, a member of the Fujiwara clan of powerful aristocrats. He joined a Tendai monastery of the early in his life, first taking the Buddhist name Dokaei, and later changing it to Jien. He eventually rose to the rank of Daisōjō, leader of the Tendai.
He began to study and write Japanese history, his purpose being to "enlighten people who find it hard to understand the vicissitudes of life". His masterpiece, completed around 1220, was humbly entitled, Gukanshō, which translates as Jottings of a Fool. In it he tried to analyze the facts of Japanese history. The Gukanshō held a mappo and therefore pessimistic view of his age, the Feudal Period, and claimed that it was a period of religious decline and saw the disintegration of civilization. This is the viewpoint generally held today. Jien claimed that changes in the feudal structure were necessary and defended the shōguns claim of power.
As a poet, he was named one of the Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry, and was the second-best represented poet in the Shin Kokin Wakashū. He was included by Fujiwara no Teika in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.