Jinnah College for Women

Jinnah College for Women is an institute of education for women located in Peshawar, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
The College has a tradition to apply both academic cum co-curricular activities for character building; such as debates, dramatic and literary competitions, excursion trips and study tours for nurturing of the students.


The College came into existence as a constituent College of the University of Peshawar on 24 July 1964. The College is an extant monument to Mr. Jinnah's faith in the emancipation and education of women and is one of the well known spring of the University. It shares the motto of the University and has firm faith in the words “Lord, advance me in knowledge”.
In 2014, the three girl students of Jinnah College for Women topped the provincial exams.


The College has a two storey building, erected in a classical form of architecture which consists of classrooms, lecture-theatres, laboratories, a library with two reading rooms, an office and a hall. The college has a spacious lawn, a botanical garden and an attached play ground, that serve for inter-class and inter college tournaments and college sports. The library has a collection of reference books, text books and books in specialized fields. The college hall, the Safia Hassan Hall, has a seating capacity of 300 students and is the venue for functions.


Jinnah College for Women is dedicated to fostering intellectual growth, aesthetic appreciation and character development in students. The JCW community thrives on the principles that knowledge is acquired through discipline. Competence gets established when knowledge is practiced and character nurtures when competence is exercised for the benefit of others.