Joaquín Badajoz

Joaquín Badajoz is a Cuban-American writer, editor and journalist.


Badajoz is a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, the editorial board Glosas, RANLE and OtroLunes. He has been a member of the boards of Cuadernos de ALDEEU, Vitral —recipient of prestigious Prince Claus Award 1999— among others.


He is one of the authors of the "Encyclopedia of Spanish in the United States", "Hablando se entiende la gente /Speaking Well Makes the World Go 'Round", Aguilar; 1 edition ; "Diccionario de Americanismos /Dictionary of Standardized Latin American Vocabulary", Alfaguara 1st edition ; "The School of Night. Drawings by Arturo Rodriguez". He is the author of "Passar Páxaros/ Casa Obscura, aldea sumergida".

Other Work

Badajoz has worked as Managing Editor for the Spanish versions of Men's Health and Prevention, as well as Executive Editor of 'Cosmopolitan en español', under a partnership with Editorial Televisa. He was Front Page Editor of Yahoo until 2015. As of May 2015, he is Digital Manager of La Opinion. He is a columnist art critic for The Miami Herald and founder and owner of SpicandProud and Hypermedia Americas.

Personal life

Badajoz is originally from Miami, but is now based in New York City. He resides in Alphabet City, Manhattan.
