Johann Heinrich Loewe
Johann Heinrich Loewe was an Austrian philosopher born in Prague. Dr. and k.k. Professor of philosophie, Wife Magdalena Babitsch, born in Vienna 1814, dead 17.9.1880 in Gross-Gmain. 3 daughters,
From 1839 to 1851 he was a professor of philosophy in Salzburg, and in 1851 was appointed professor of theoretical and moral philosophy at the University of Prague. He was a prominent supporter of philosopher Anton Günther, and author of a biography on minister Johann Emanuel Veith. Other noted works by Loewe include:
- Über den Begriff der Logik,, 1849
- Das spekulative System des René Descartes,, 1854
- Die Philosophie Fichtes. Mit einem Anhange über des Gottesbegriff Spinozas, 1862
- Der Kampf zwischen dem Realismus und Nominalismus im Mittelalter, sein Ursprung und sein Verlauf,, 1876
- Lehrbuch der Logik,, 1881
- Die speculative Idee der Freiheit, ihre Widersacher, ihre praktische Verwertung,, 1890.