Several of Crell's works were printed first by Rodecki and Sternacki at the printery of the Racovian Academy 1602-1638. These and others then appeared as Vol.III-V of Frans Kuyper's Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocantAmsterdam 1668 Crell also featured in Christopher Sand's bibliography and biographical collection Bibliotheca antitrinitariorum. These works were widely distributed being owned by Voltaire, John Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers. Two of Crell's works were translated into English. First, A Learned and Exceeding Well-Compiled Vindication of Liberty of Religion. Second, The Two Books... Touching on God the Father: Wherein Many Things Also Concerning the Nature of the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit are Discoursed of. The first edition was published in Konigsburg. A second edition was published in London. It was re-titled The Unity of God Answered and Defended, but with the exception of the title page it was identical to the first edition.
Knowledge of Crell's works passed out of the later generations of English Unitarians. However Thomas Belsham is one of the Unitarian authors who had access to Crell in the Latin and he repeatedly cites Crell in his The Epistles of Paul the Apostle Translated, with an Exposition, and Notes.
1623 Ad librum Hugonis Grotii quem de satisfactione Christi... - on Grotius.
1630 De Deo et eius attributis... - on God and his attributes.
1631 De uno Deo Patre libri duo - translated into English as The Two Books of John Crellius Francus on One God the Father
1635 Prima ethices elementa - on the elements of ethics.
1665 His works were published first as part of the series Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum by Frans Kuyper in Amsterdam.
A learned and exceeding well-compiled vindication of liberty of religion by Johann Crell
De la tolérance dans la religion ou de la liberté de conscience. Par Crellius. L'intolérance convaincue de crime et de folie. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglois.
Hermann Cingallus Scriptura S. Trinitatis Revelatrix attributed by John Locke to Crell but Robert Wallace reattributes to Christopher Sandius
Icander Das fast auf dem höchsten Gipfel der Vollkommenheit prangende Dresden, 1726 - a work by a Swedish architect on baroque Dresden with no connection to Socinianism,