John Deere Green

"John Deere Green" is a song written by Dennis Linde, and recorded by American country music artist Joe Diffie. It was released in November 1993 as the third single from his album Honky Tonk Attitude. The song peaked at number 5 on the country charts.


The song is a moderate up-tempo describing a young male named Billy Bob, who is in love with a young female named Charlene, both of whom "met in high school in the 60s". One late summer night, Billy Bob hauls a can of "John Deere green" paint to the top of a water tower and paints the words "Billy Bob loves Charlene," as well as an outline of a heart, on the tower, as a means of professing his affection towards Charlene. The second verse describes the two of them raising a family on an 80-acre farm that they purchased, while the bridge reveals that the heart and words continue to remain intact on the tower, despite numerous contemplations from the town to erase them.

Radio version

Diffie recorded a new version of "John Deere Green" for radio airplay. This version includes a more electronic-sounding drum track as well as Diffie's vocal sounding slightly different from that of the album version. The radio version also eliminates the album version's second instrumental break and fourth refrain by immediately proceeding to the song's outro.

Later versions

The most notable later version of the song is by the Norwegian band Hellbillies. Their version, "Bondeblå" from the album Drag tells about a boy on his first time service in the Norwegian military who insists on wearing a blue knitted sweater and matching hat that his mother knitted for him over his uniform, and how the other soldiers mistreat him, making him do their chores and bugging him consistently. However, in time he turns out fine and ends up as a highly ranked officer in the Norwegian army.

Chart positions

Year-end charts