John Dougherty (author)

John Dougherty is an award-winning Northern Irish children's writer, born in the town of Larne in 1964. He now lives in Gloucestershire.
He worked as a primary school teacher in London during the 1990s and early 2000s, and during this period began to write stories for children. His first book was published in 2004 and he left teaching the same year to concentrate on his writing career.
From November 2013 – 2015, he was chair of CWIG, the Children's Writer's and Illustrators Group, a sub-group of the UK's Society of Authors.

Published books

;Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face
all above illustrated by David Tazzyman
;Picture books
;Bansi O'Hara
;Jack Slater
;Reading books for schools