John G. Hemry

John G. Hemry, born April 14, 1956, is an American author of military science fiction novels. Drawing on his experience as a retired United States Navy officer, he has written the Stark's War and Paul Sinclair series. Under the name Jack Campbell, he has written six volumes of the Lost Fleet series. He has also written over a dozen short stories, many published in Analog magazine, and a number of non-fiction works.
Hemry has continued the Lost Fleet series with a spin-off: Beyond the Frontier, focusing on the main characters from the Lost Fleet. A second series, called The Lost Stars, focuses on the collapse of the Syndicate Worlds.

Awards and honors

As John G. Hemry

Stark's War

The series follows a conflict between US Army soldiers and their leadership during a campaign that takes place on the Moon. Faced with increasingly outrageous disregard for their survival, the enlisted soldiers mutiny under the leadership of Sergeant Stark, who then faces an uncertain path in dealing with the civilian colony they are based next to, as well as the Pentagon and US government.
  1. Stark's War
  2. Stark's Command
  3. Stark's Crusade

    Paul Sinclair (JAG in Space)

The publisher promotes this series descriptively as "JAG, set in space". The title character is a junior officer aboard the USS Michaelson, a military spaceship in peacetime conditions. While he faces the trials of maturing as a line officer, Sinclair also serves as his commanders' legal advisor—a role that brings him into close contact with the military legal system.
  1. A Just Determination
  2. Burden of Proof
  3. Rule of Evidence
  4. Against All Enemies

    Short fiction

As Jack Campbell

The Lost Fleet

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    The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier

Prequel to The Lost Fleet series.