John Henslow (Surveyor of the Navy)

Sir John Henslow was Surveyor to the Navy a post he held jointly or solely from 1784 to 1806.


He was 7th child of John Henslow a master carpenter in the dockyard at Woolwich
Cape Henslow on Guadalcanal is named after him
Among the vessels he designed were the s and four frigates to the same design, the first of which was. He also designed the Bloodhound-class gun-brigs and Conquest-class gun-brigs. The sixth rates were a series of six ships built to his 1805 design. Perhaps his smallest vessels were the two Placentia-class sloops of 42 tons burthen, which he designed for coastal patrol duties off Newfoundland.
His son John Prentis Henslow, solicitor, was father of John Stevens Henslow. He was also the grandfather of Francis Hartwell Henslowe, who was the son of Edward Prentis Henslow.