John M. Martinis

John M. Martinis is an American physicist and a professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In 2014, the Google Quantum A.I. Lab announced that it had hired Martinis and his team to build a quantum computer using superconducting qubit.


John M. Martinis received his B.S. in physics in 1980 and his Ph.D. in physics from the University of California, Berkeley. During his Ph.D., he investigated the quantum behaviour of a macroscopic variable, the phase difference across a Josephson tunnel junction.
He joined the Commisiariat Energie Atomic in Saclay, France, for a first postdoc and then the Electromagnetic Technology division at NIST in Boulder, where he worked on superconducting quantum interference devices amplifiers. While at NIST he developed a technique of X-ray detection by using a superconducting transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter with electrothermal feedback.
Since 2002 he has been working with Josephson-Junction qubits with the aim of building the first quantum computer.
In 2004 he moved to the University of California Santa Barbara, where he now holds the Worster Chair in experimental physics. In 2014, Martinis' team was hired by Google to build the first useful quantum computer.
On October 23rd, 2019, Martinis and his team published a paper on Nature with title "Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor", where they presented how they achieved quantum supremacy for the first time using a 53-qubits quantum computer. In April 2020, Wired magazine announced that Martinis reportedly resigned from Google after being reassigned to an advisory role.