John Paul Gerber

John Gerber was an author, historian, librarian, author, and avid scooterist.

Personal life

John Gerber was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the oldest of 5 children born to John and Millie Gerber. As a youth his family moved to in Stillwater, Oklahoma then during his teens in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Gerber earned a B.A. in history from the University of Minnesota, a PhD in history from the University of Wisconsin, and an MLS from Simmons College. He spent much of his professional career as an archivist at Harvard Law School and a medical librarian for the Boston Healthcare System.


John Gerber had a passion for European motorscooters, such as Vespas, Lambretta, and Heinkels, owning dozens of various scooters, putting over 412,000 miles riding his bikes on 5 continents, and according to the Boston Globe was "the world's foremost historian on the development, manufacture and spread of motor scooters as a practical means of everyday and leisure transportation." Gerber rode his first bike at age 14 and by 21 he had ridden almost 40,000 miles traveling around the USA and Canada. In 1966 he embarked on the first of his epic rides going from Minnesota to Panama and back on a Vespa GS 160. In 1971, he completed a solo trip on his Vespa motor scooter from Wisconsin down the east coast of South America to the Tierra del Fuego. He returned up the west coast and was on his way to Alaska when the trip was cut short by a car totaling his scooter in Hayward, California. In the late 1970s Gerber shipped a Vespa Rally from London to Singapore so he could ride the bike back the to London.


Gerber died on June 10, 2010 after losing a fight with pancreatic cancer.
