John Whitelegg

John Whitelegg is visiting Professor of Sustainable Transport at Liverpool John Moores University and Professor of Sustainable Development at University of York's Stockholm Environment Institute.

Academic career

From 1990 to 1993 Dr. Whitelegg was Head of Department of Geography at Lancaster University and Director of the University's Environmental Epidemiology Research Unit. He has written books and over 50 papers, including Transport for a Sustainable Society: the Case for Europe and Critical Mass: Transport, Environment and Society in the 21st Century, and is founder and editor of the Journal of World Transport Policy & Practice.
Managing Director of Eco-Logica Limited and Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Research interests encompass transport and the environment, definition of sustainable transport systems and a sustainable built environment, development of transport in third world cities focusing on Calcutta and the relationships between sustainability and human health, implementation of environmental strategies within manufacturing and service industry and development of environmental management standards. Discipline: Transport, Planning & Housing.


Whitelegg wrote a report into the carbon emissions of the two parliament system in Europe for the then MEP Caroline Lucas of the Green Party.
He was from 2003 to May 2011 a Green Party local councillor in Lancaster. He stood down in Bulk Ward and his successor held the ward for the Green Party. He is a former chair of the North West Green Party. He has been the Green Party's Sustainable Development Spokesperson.

