Joi Srivastava

Pt Joi Srivastava was a well-known North Indian violinist of the Senia Gharana.

Early life and training

Joi Srivastava was born in Allahabad on 1 January 1930. He learned Hindustani classical violin from Gagan Chandra Chatterjee, a violinist who is credited with introducing the gat-style of violin playing in North India. After his teacher died, Joi Srivastava learnt from the celebrated Ustad Alauddin Khan as well for a few years.


He was a prodigy who became a master of the instrument even before he turned 20. He started teaching at the University of Allahabad and also at Kala Bharati Allahabad. Around 1957 he moved to Delhi and joined the All India Radio where he was a regular artiste till his retirement in 1987. After that he taught violin at the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, Delhi till 1994.

Music for documentaries

Joi Srivastava pioneered a unique style of playing North Indian Classical music on the violin. He was the most accomplished student of Gagan Chandra Chatterjee and could play the full range of music hitherto possible on sitar and sarod only. He also went further and imbibed techniques of Carnatic Veena and Western classical as well into his playing.


Joi Srivastava was a teacher to many violinists of North India, and also of other countries: