Jonah is an Australian television drama series which aired for 20 episodes starting from 15 October 1962 on the Seven Network. Produced during an era when commercial television in Australia produced few dramatic series, Jonah was a period drama, and was inspired by the success of ABC's period drama mini-series like Stormy Petrel. The episodes still exist.
The National Film and Sound Archive describes the series as a "historical drama series about Jonah Locke, a merchant trader in the early Australian colony". Jonah lived in Sydney between 1840 and 1850. He would encounter historical figures.
Regular Cast
Brian James as Jonah Locke
Hilary Bamberger as Ann Parry, Jonah's housekeeper
Neil Fitzpatrick as Brett Hamilton, Jonah's nephew
In March 1962 it was announced ATN would make the series with Michael Plant to be writer and story editor, Harry Dearth to produce and David Cahill to direct. By July the lead actors had been cast. It was shot at Artransa Park Studios. Michael Plant was the writer and script editor. The episode cost around £3,500 each. They sold to the Australian networks for £1,500 an episode and then to Britain for £1,000 an episode. There were disputes with Actors Equity over how much the actors should be paid.
One review called it "splendid". The Women's Weekly called it "fast, action packed entertainment".
"Black Henry" - about a man who helped fix unemployment - with Brigid Lenihan, Chris Christensen, Richard Davies, Claire Dunn
"The Railroader" - Miles Morgan builds a railway in the Hunter Valley - with Wynn Roberts, Vaughan Tracey as Jamey
"The Coal Mutiny" - a man leads a charge against the monopoly given to the Australian Agricultural Company - guest starring Tom Farley as James Brown, Moray Powell as Commodore Styles, Noeline Brown as Dorothea Styles
"Where is Adelaide?" - story of the planning of the city of Adelaide with Donald Phillips, John Barnard, John Faasen
"The Seekers" - Puritans arrive in Australia on their way to New Zealand - guest starring Tanya Haylesworth as Purity Tunstall, Alan Herbert as John Tunstall
"The Damned Darlinghurst" - Jonah spends time in Darlinghurst Prison prison on a matter principle - guest starring Al Thomas as Colonel Keck, Lyndall Barbour as Fairy Mortimer
"The Treaty of South Island" - the story of the formation of New Zealand - guest starring Harry Willis as a Maori chief Te Rauparaha, James Condon
"A Plague on Both Your Houses" - a romance between an emancipist's daughter and the son of an aristocratic gentleman - with Geoffrey King, Julianna Allan, AlexanderArchdale, John Gregg
"Ship of Fame" - with Denis Doonan, Moya O'Sullivan, Donald Philps