Jordi Ustrell Aguilà

Jordi Ustrell Aguilà is a Computer Engineer. As an entrepreneur, he has developed diverse Projects related with emerging technologies, some of which left their mark in the history of Computing.

Development of the first Spanish Microcomputer

At the end of the 70s, the development of the first microprocessor made possible the production of computers affordable both in terms of cost and size. This marks the beginning of a time of great activity in the field of computer systems engineering worldwide.
Eina Informàtica was born following the path paved by the pioneers of this revolution in California. Jordi Ustrell became its president and technical director.
In 1979, Jordi Ustrell designed what would be considered the first personal microcomputer developed in Spain. The project caught the attention of publications specialized in the history of modern computing technology.
He also developed some personal and professional Computer systems.

The Internet revolution

Later, he became director of Technological Innovation at Banco Sabadell. From this position, he experienced firsthand the birth of the Internet in Spain and participated in an array of projects merged thanks to the possibilities provided by the network.
In the early 90s, before the introduction of the Internet in Spain, Jordi Ustrell collaborated with ISO as a member of the National Committee for Standardization CTN - 71/21, in relation with the interconnection of open systems. The OSI standards for communication between systems, which ended up being assimilated to the TCP/IP, are currently the standards used by DARPA on the Internet.

Early Internet

In the early years of the Internet, Jordi Ustrell helped to spread the potential of the net and the revolution that involved. He led the introduction of Internet services at Banco Sabadell through the creation of initial infrastructure and the first domains, the development of the first corporate websites and the implementation of e-mail services in the Company.
He also worked on the launch of InfoVía, intended to be the Spanish Internet.
Later, he led the introduction of the first fully operational Internet banking services in Spain, both for individuals and companies, presented at Internet World, 1st National Congress of Internet Users, organized by AUI in February, 1996 in Madrid.
Ustrell was also responsible for the creation of the for the 1996 Internet World Exposition.
He led a project to promote the network and its advantages through the creation of an Internet Service Provider, and email at Banco Sabadell.
Ustrell also participated in the Banking Consortium Efectivo'98, with the aim of developing a program of Internet home banking participated by different banks.

Business networking

The consolidation of the Internet helped to develop different banking services providing transactional support on the net, such as Internet payment systems: VISA SET, virtual POS and payment gateway. Banco Sabadell participated in the world premiere of the payment method VISA SET.
Among banking services developed by Ustrell in this area are:
As e-business developer, he was involved in the development of third-party businesses hosted on the network, such as:
Later, with the advent of mobile Internet, he participated in a project aiming at planning opportunities for mobility in the banking and payment systems, and in the project High performance workplace.
Thanks to these projects, Jordi Ustrell earned recognition as a pioneer of the Internet in Catalonia, as reported by Saül Gordillo in