Josef Johann Steinmann

Josef Johann Steinmann was an Austrian pharmacist and chemist.
He worked as a pharmacist in Lanškroun and Prague, during which time, he conducted botanical investigations in the Riesengebirge and in Glatzer Land. Later on, he studied pharmacy in Berlin as a student of Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstädt, then in 1806–08 furthered his education at the University of Vienna, where his instructors included botanist Joseph Franz von Jacquin and naturalist Carl Franz Anton Ritter von Schreibers. From 1812 to 1817 he served as an assistant to chemist Karl August Neumann at the Prague Polytechnical Institute, where in 1817 he was appointed a professor of chemistry.
He provided chemical analyses of mineral springs at Marienbad, Bílina, Karlovy Vary, et al., and is credited with describing a new mineral species. He also made significant contributions to the National Museum in Prague.

Published works