Joseph H. M. Steenbrink
Joseph Henri Maria Steenbrink is a Dutch mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry.
Steenbrink received in 1974 his doctorate from the University of Amsterdam with thesis advisor Frans Oort and thesis Limits of Hodge Structures and Intermediate Jacobeans. He is now a professor at Radboud University Nijmegen.
His research deals with singularity theory, mixed Hodge structures, and variation of Hodge structures.
Steenbrink was an Invited Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1990 in Kyoto.
His doctoral students include Aise Johan de Jong.
In addition to his mathematical work, Steenbrink is a harpsichordist, organist, and choir singer.Selected publications
- with Christiaan A. M. Peters: , Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Springer Verlag 2008
- with Steven Zucker: Variation of mixed Hodge structure, I, Invent. Math., 80 489–542
- as editor with Vladimir Arnold and Gert-Martin Greuel: Singularities: The Brieskorn Anniversary Volume, Birkhäuser 1998;
- as editor with Gerard van der Geer and Oort: Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, Birkhäuser 1991;
- with Yoshinori Namikawa: Global smoothing of Calabi-Yau-threefolds, Inventiones Mathematicae, vol. 122, 1995, pp. 403–419