
Joshiraku is a Japanese manga series written by Kōji Kumeta and illustrated by Yasu, telling the everyday lives of five young female rakugo comedians. It was serialised in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine from September 2009 to September 2013 and the chapters compiled into six tankōbon volumes. An anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired in Japan between July and September 2012, with an original video animation episode released in February 2013.


All of the girls' surnames end with the character Tei, which is often used in stage names for performers.
;Marii Buratei
;Kigurumi Harōkitei
;Tetora Bōhatei
;Gankyō Kūrubiyūtei
;Kukuru Anrakutei
;Uzannu Uzattei



Joshiraku began as a manga series written by Kōji Kumeta and illustrated by Yasu. It was serialized in Kodansha's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine between the October 2009 and October 2013 issues – from September 9, 2009, to September 9, 2013. The chapters were also collected and released into six tankōbon volumes under the Wild KC imprint, from May 17, 2010, to November 8, 2013. A limited edition of the fifth volume was bundled with an anime episode on DVD disc.


A 13-episode anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired in Japan between July and September 2012. An original video animation episode was released on DVD with the fifth manga volume on February 8, 2013. The opening theme is "Oato ga Yoroshikutte...Yo!" by Ayane Sakura, Kotori Koiwai, Nozomi Yamamoto, Yoshino Nanjō and Saori Gotō, and the ending theme is "Nippon Egao Hyakkei" by Momoiro Clover Z and Yoshida Brothers. In 2019, Maiden Japan licensed the series.

Episode list