Josiane Bost

Josiane Bost is a former French racing cyclist who was world road champion in 1977. She twice won the National Pursuit Championship and once the National Sprint Championship.


Josiane Bost was one of the best female racing cyclists in France in the 1970s. She won the world championship in 1977 and three national championships on the track, including the unusual combination of pursuit and sprint titles. She and Geneviève Gambillon, her main rival, bridged the gap in French cycling between Lily Herse and Jeannie Longo.
Bost came second three times in the national road championship, beaten each time by Gambillon. She was French pursuit champion in 1977 and 1978 and sprint champion in 1978. In 1977, she beat the American, Connie Carpenter, in the world road championship at San Cristóbal.

Road palmarès

2nd national road championship
2nd national road championship
3rd national road championship
World road championship
2nd national road championship

Track palmarès

National pursuit champion 1977 and 1978
National sprint champion 1978