Journal of Higher Criticism

The Journal of Higher Criticism was an academic journal covering issues "dealing with historical, literary, and history-of-religion issues from the perspective of higher criticism", published by the Institute for Higher Critical Studies. The editor-in-chief was Robert M. Price. The periodical is held by the Library of Congress and other research libraries.
In the introductory article, the editor criticized modern biblical scholarship as "a toothless tiger or worse yet, covert apologetics wearing the Esau-mask of criticism" and advocated a return to the "golden era of bold hypotheses and daring reconstructions associated with the great names of Baur and Tübingen".
During the journal's first decade, it was sponsored by The Theological School at Drew University, where associate editor Darrell J. Doughty taught. The final issue appeared in Fall, 2003, shortly before Doughty's retirement.
The journal was revived in March 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1, was published to Robert M. Price's website.