Jovita, Córdoba

Jovita is a town located south of the Province of Córdoba, in central Argentina.
According to the 2010 census, Jovita has a population of 4,470.
Jovita is geographically situated in the middle of the Humid Pampa region or Pampa's Plain, and its economy is mainly reliant on cattle farming and agriculture, especially with the farming of soya, sunflower oil, corn and wheat among other products.
Jovita was founded in 1905 and its blueprints were made and approved on May 15, 1907 and October 28, 1907. The land on which the town is built were donated by two sisters: Magdalena and Jovita from whom the town now takes its name. Jovitas original name was Pichi Tromen Station "El Juncalito". This was until 1906 when its name was changed to Santa Magdalena and Jovita Station. This name was retained until 1983, when according to resolution N°322/83, its name was changed again to the current name of Jovita.

Geographic Situation

Italó of General Roca Department, Province of Córdoba, in Argentina.
Situated at an altitude of 153,5m above sea level, latitude 34°31' south, longitude 64°56'40" west. Ubicada en la nueva línea de frontera entre los fortines conocidos como Orma y Ortega.
The town is 592 km from Buenos Aires and 425 km from Córdoba, capital of the province with the same name. In this neighborhood one can also find the Río Quinto (lately named by the aborigens as Popopis] at just 5 km.

Actual Government

Mayor: Dr. Gabriel Rébola, for the Justicialist's Party.

Educational Institutes

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Otilia Fernández de Tovagliari
Primary Schools
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Otilia Fernández de Tovagliari
Secondary Schools
IPEM 221
Tertiary Schools
Instituto de Formación Docente Martha Salotti
Special Schools