Jumana Murad

Jumana Nawaf Fahad Murad is a Syrian actress and producer. She is one of the most famous actresses in Syrian and Arabic media.

Early life and career

Murad born in As-Suwayda to Durzi family, she studied English literature in Damascus University. She began her career as presenter in Ajman TV. her first act was in Pictures fregments in 1998. she also acted in Bab Al-Hara. she acted Zenobia role in 2007. she also opened producing company Jumana International for film, television and distribution.

Personal life

Since 2013 she is married to Jordanian lawyer Rabie Besiso. she previously married two times, first marriage was to Syrian director Najdat Anzour and second was to a Syrian businessman who she refused to acknowledge the name of. in February 2019 she give birth her only son.

